Once you reach an agreement, work with a real estate lawyer or professional to finalize the necessary paperwork, YOU MUST PROVIDE Holm Realty Ltd. with a copy of all offers, agreements, amendments and waivers.
Click here for more info on our process.
Yes, you may list multiple parcels in one single mere posting. If you wish to list multiple parcels separately, you will require a mere posting for each parcel.
Typically, within 1-3 business days of signing the mere posting agreement, your property will be uploaded to MLS® for display on Realtor.ca and other services.
SwiftList mere posting service offered by Holm Realty Ltd. is available for all of Nova Scotia.
It is a requirement that your property be migrated before it can be sold. Consult with your lawyer for more information.
We will complete the mere posting agreement for you to be signed off digitally through email/DocuSign.
You can add up to 50 photos.
Contact Holm Realty Ltd. if you wish to edit your listing.
The listing expires after 6 or 12 months , depending on which option you chose. It will automatically expire at that time, or you may contact us to extend the listing.
Yes, you will need a lawyer to complete the transaction. Although the lawyer's involvement usually comes after you have an offer and Agreement of Purchase and Sale in place, it is advisable to consult with them at any stage of the process if you have any legal inquiries or uncertainties. Having a lawyer by your side helps protect your interests and ensure a seamless and legally sound property sale.
Paying a commission to a real estate agent who brings a buyer is not mandatory, but it is a common practice in the real estate industry. Offering a commission, often around 2% to 3%, incentivizes real estate agents to bring potential buyers to your property. By doing so, you increase the chances of selling your property faster or receiving multiple offers. Ultimately, the decision to offer a commission to buyer's agents is at the discretion of the seller.
Negotiate and Close: When offers come in, negotiate directly with interested buyers or their agents. Review offers carefully, consider their terms, and respond accordingly. Work with a real estate lawyer or professional to finalize the necessary paperwork and provide Holm Realty Ltd. with a copy of all offers, agreements, amendments and waivers.
All documents are signed digitally through DocuSign. Here is a quick video outlining the process.
No. Due to the nature of the service, no refunds are available.
Holm Realty Ltd. also offers full service real estate including a competitive 1% cash back incentive* on real estate purchases, a 4% listing commission**. Click here for more information.
New Kent Homes are offered through The Home Centre.
(* ** Conditions apply. Visit website for full details www.jayrichards.ca).